Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Capstone Identifications!


a. Ideal target audience is up and coming business owners, team and club organizers, and designers looking to get established.

b. User's I have access to that I will be soliciting are friends and family members, online friends, and the new media department.


a. I'll be adding the current release to the pool


a. I'll add a request for participation on the pool

b. I'll be posting posters around campus to solicit users

c. I'll add a link of busigo.org to my FC sig


a. Pool reviews

b. Online forum posts

Feedback Summary!

a. Pool reviews

b. Forum posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sunday, February 17, 2008

3rd Milestone

As seen in my gantt chart My site is very nearly done, the next step for users on the site is ready.
I've been trying to get some friends to start posting so I can get some content.

I'm happy with how its come out so far. I've been playing with templates for the site and trying to edit the css myself making small changes im looking for but some things have just been taking a lot of time. I'm not quite happy with the banner and it took a long time to get it positioned where it is.

The biggest hurdle I had to overcome was getting the album mod to work with a different template than the standard subsilver one. A lot of the directions were made specific to subsilver which I had to work around and edit some of the code involved (a lot of this became trial and error and took forever) I think its all working correctly now though.

Other than the album mod and template work I've done I also tried incorporating the free phpbb template to work with the actual busigo site that isnt connected to the forums. This was one of the main goals I had this milestone. busigo.org and the forum site still feel a little off but that should only take some more template tinkering and editing to my personal tastes.

Luckily all the functionality I was hoping for has finally clicked together and the cosmetic tinkering can be done while work with incoming content is gathered.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Second Milestone Review

For my second milestone review I will be showing the current forum I've implemented to my site using phpBB. I had a lot of trouble actually getting it installed but some help from Alex let me get it up and working and I've been learning quite a lot as I've been going.

I wasn't able to completely have the site working at this point as I would have liked and I have reflected my gantt chart to show this. I pushed a few tasks into the next milestone area along with the promotion part. This was needed as a few new tasks came up such as implementing a photo gallery to support the design side of the forums. This also pushed back putting finishing touches on the site.

I don't foresee this being a problem because originally I intended the next milestone to cover promotion solely which should not be hard to do simultaneously with finishing off the site.

What I do have ready for this review is the forum ready to be posted to and the main site BusiGo.org links now bring you to the selected forum areas.

What I will need in the upcoming weeks from my classmates is posts to work with as I can accept content with the current state of the site and forums. If anyone in class is interested in the service this site will provide feel free to try it out and create a post.

Gant for Milestone 2