Sunday, November 4, 2007

Text proposal


A proposal by Evan Turnquist

  • Abstract

      BusiGo will be an online community targeting young and new business owners in need of web designers to bring their business into the Internet arena. This community will be equally for the upcoming and unknown designers. Business owners will be offered a forum to post s

      pecific needs they may have such as a website or logo for their business. On the other side, designers will have an opportunity to post theirs skills and freelance their work or look through the owners needs and find projects that appeal to them and make connections.

  • Why

      This is needed because there are many young designers who aren't established yet. This community can springboard designers into creating portfolios and getting real world experience for their trade. There are also many business owners who don't know where to start when it comes to taking their business online and this community can connect them with peop

      le who know how to help them and get them going. The target is for new business owners. For example you could think of a business major student leaving college and starting a landscaping business. They would not have the resources to find or perhaps pay for professional established designers. This site is needed because it allows new artists and business owner

      s to cut out the expensive middle man that rakes off the top while building their portfolios and business.

  • Where

      The problem I've found is that many sites that cater to business owners online needs direct them to their staff of established designers ready to serve. How does a new or casual designer break into the market. Not everyone has their own personal site for their craft and if they do its hard to get a lot of traffic there to work with. A community of new and established artists working with new and established business is something I can't find.

  • When

  • Who

Presently there are no collaborators for this project. What's interesting is that the people that may be interested in this service or community may be interested in collaborating on the project

itself. Since BusiGo is intended to be a tool for these two groups of people, anyone from either side may want to help according to their respective talents. I don't plan on this happening but it is certainly a possibility.

  • How

BusiGo Budget

Website Designer

Evan Turnquist

$10 per hour

150 hours



Adobe Photoshop


1 Copy




$7.96 per month

12 months


Domain Name


1 year


Total Cost


  • Legal Agreements

No legal agreements are currently expected.

  • Spreading the word

At the early stages of this project I will be going by word of mouth getting the initial posts up.

Once the original users are posting I will be advertising on the Internet through blogs and other community networking sites such as thefacebook to get more users.

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