Wednesday, April 9, 2008


So I have been spending a lot of time learning and working with divs for the homepage

It's taking me a lot of getting used to and the current design is not exactly where I want it to be but its getting there

I've also looked into getting a feed for the front page of the latest forum post but its proving difficult and it's going to take more time than I imagined to get that working.

I did find an antispam mod that seems to be working. I've been porn free for the last couple days so im pretty excited about that.

I've decided to throw out my original banner and I'll be getting a new one out with the updated color scheme.

My biggest problem outside of design and tech stuff seems to be getting committed and dedicated users since the commitment level is pretty high for the average user. I think I will need to advertise a bit more and maybe ask some of the younger students in new media if they are interested and willing to try this out. The problem is its really up to the users if they want to commit to it and since there are very few clients looking for work at the moment its hard to get people motivated.